Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not much has been going on with Team Bolen lately. J.E.B. is in the middle of the spring WTI class so we see him very little. My life is fairly normal -- chasing after a tottering Victoria and cleaning up dog puke and poop from Atlas who seems to have had some issue with the last bag of dog food we got him. We think it was the bag (a bad batch of food) since he got sick after each time he ate it. Needless to say, I have returned it and bought him some new food, so hopefully the puke and poop will stop!

A fun perspective shot for when she's older. The tires on J.E.B.'s truck are taller than she is!

The chair is in the way, but its cute to see her able to walk underneath the kitchen table without ducking!

Her Tupperware cabinet. She has learned there are other things in the cabinet besides the Tupperware and if she moves all the stuff out of the way, them BAM! She can get the brown sugar or the flour!

She had a great time playing with the mesquite wood chips. Although later she took her paci out and tried to eat one. That was the first inedible thing we've pulled out of her mouth. It was half the length of my little finger. Sure gave Mom a bit of a fright when Dad pulled it out of her mouth!

I love these next two pictures. She's so cute and feminine in her outfit and she has her all-time favorite toy...her shoe!