Thursday, June 21, 2012

Some more pictures from our time in Gettysburg.

Since early May Team Bolen has officially been homeless. Yup, we gave back the keys to our rental house in Yuma and are awaiting moving into a house in Houston. In the mean time, the girls and I have been staying in Gettysburg with my parents while J.E.B. and Atlas have been driving back and forth across the country.

It has been quite a good time watching the girls get to know their grandparents and my parents getting to know (and get exhausted playing with) their granddaughters. Both Mom and Dad have had to work during the day but the evenings and weekends have been jammed packed with laughter and trips to the sand mound in their backyard. The hill on the sand mound seems to be just steep and high enough that Bean feels confident running down it while having the time of her life!

Lex learned how to sit up by herself while in Gettysburg and we are placing bets to see if she is going to start crawling before we leave --- she really gets focused on Bean's Thomas the Train toy and you can just see her determination to go grab it!
We have been keeping busy while we were in Gettysburg visiting friends and family living in the area. We sure do know quite a few people in the greater Gettysburg-Baltimore-DC-Quantico area. Some of our friends we hadn't seen since our wedding in 2005 and others not since we left Okinawa in 2009. It was such great fun to reconnect with good people!

Our life is about to get busy for a bit since next week we are going to Houston to move into our new house. I still haven't seen it; J.E.B. was there by himself looking and eventually renting one without me since I was in Gettysburg with the girls. I have seen pictures of it and have his description of it, but we'll see how it compares when I actually see it!
I uploaded a ton of videos to dropshots so make sure to check that out too! More pictures to follow.