Friday, February 18, 2011

Here are some recent pics of "The Bean" as J.E.B. likes to call V. She's not yet walking on her own (although she did take a few steps by herself last week, much to our surprise!) but she is pulling her self up and "cruising" around the furniture like a crazy woman! She's also discovered that the Tupperware cabinet is hers to play with as well as a few metal bowls I give her, so dinnertime is now a loud time. But I'm perfectly OK with that as long as she's staying in one spot (she loves to go for Atlas's water and food bowls).

She's well into the solid food now. Two teeth have appeared and while I don't feel any more hard gums, she's been chomping and chewing on anything she can get her hands on. My toes especially. They just aren't safe if she's on the ground! I have to be on my toes about keeping her from them. Get it?! ON MY TOES?! HA! I introduced apple juice to her yesterday and she wasn't really a fan. What child does not like apple juice?! She gave me her "Ew! What kind of crap are you feeding me?" face but after a bit grudgingly drank out of the sippy cup.

Enjoying our lovely grass

The grass downtown is much nicer than ours at home. Its so much softer too so V was happy crawling in it

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