Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quite a lot has been happening for Team Bolen during the last few weeks. Our time here in Yuma is coming to an end which means another move, but instead of another military PCS (permanent change of station) it is instead an EAS (end of active service) and a venture into civilian life. Just where are we going and what are we going to be doing you ask? Hell if I know! No, seriously, it is still up in the air and I am leaving with the girls the beginning of May. Kind of stressful, no?

J.E.B. is interviewing for jobs this month (the culmination of a years worth of prep and work with his placement agency) but we don't have anything definite yet. We are hoping to have those minor details (what job, what location) by the time I leave with the girls in May to visit my parents in PA. We'll see!

So as you can imagine its starting to get busy here. We are doing all of our normal pre-move stuff like sorting through our junk and deciding what is trash and what is donate-worthy plus sending J.E.B. off the airport on an almost weekly basis to do follow-up interviews. Bean is developing her personality and stubbornness more as she inches closer to the terrible-twos which makes things around the house all that much more interesting! J.E.B. and I are also coming to the end of a 90-day workout program that we've been following for...90 days, I"ll have to think that sentence out better next time.....which has us each working out 5-6 days a week. So yeah, its busy, but good busy. Better busy that sitting around worrying!

The girls are doing great. Bean is still loving day care and I'm loving it all the more since that is a perfect time for me to workout without interruptions! Her vocabulary is expanding on a daily basis and its so hard to refuse her play requests when she adds a "peese" (please) and a cheesy smile. Quite the manipulator! But a cute manipulator!

Bean also has a big-girl bed now. She was starting to climb out of her crib so I converted it into the full-sized bed for her. She loves all the room now! J.E.B.'s mom sent us the small step stool that he and his sisters used when they were little, so now V uses that to get in and out of bed. With her new freedom of course comes the freedom to open her bedroom door. She certainly knows how to do that and on occasion does, but for the most part when she wakes up she still cries for us to come get her. Although, funny enough, the one time she decides to get up early on her own and come find us is ....Easter morning! Yup, every other morning since the bed conversion, she is in her bed or her room waiting for me to get her. Not Easter morning! Nope, J.E.B. and I wake up to the sound of Easter grass crinkling and chocolate bunny packaging crunching! Too funny!

Lex is growing, growing, growing. At 5 months, she is already in 6-9 or 9-month clothes and still eats like a hog! The stationary exersaucer is her new favorite spot (and Mommy's too!!) and she'll be content in there so long its easy to forget she's there! Her voice is also improving and we hear her baby babble turned baby yelling on a daily basis. At first we thought she was fussing and angry when she was left alone, but we quickly realized she's just talking or singing or chirping to herself. She will continue for 5 minutes or more most times. Gets so loud sometimes that its hard to hear anything else!

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