Friday, August 3, 2012

Things have changed a bit here for Team Bolen in the last few months.

We have left the scorching desert 120 degree heat of Yuma, AZ for the suffocating humidity of Houston, TX (well, we live just west of Houston in Katy, but its close enough!). And, we are now officially civilians no longer attached to the Marine Corps except in memory. We have been in Katy for about a month and a half and so far we both are really enjoying it. The crush of humanity here lends itself to an abundance of shopping and entertainment options that just weren't available in Yuma.

We live in one of the many master-planned communities here. For me it means that I have access to miles of cement sidewalks all through the neighborhoods, with playgrounds and/or parks every few blocks and a choice of a half-dozen community pools to choose from. Quite nice actually! I found a used sit-n-stand stroller on craigslist the other week and it has been great. V has had to learn to not just jump off it, but she loves being able to choose from sitting, standing or walking beside me and Lex loves it since she's out in front facing the world, instead of snugged up against my chest in the wrap I used to carry her in.
J.E.B. took a job with BP as a drilling engineer in a brand new training program. BP's normal training for drilling engineers right out of college is 3 years, however J.E.B. is one of 8 guys who are part of a new accelerated training program which will finish in 1 year. BP picked guys who already had life experiences, maturity, leadership experience as well as engineering backgrounds/degrees and is basically just showing them how to be drilling engineers the way BP wants. This is the first "class" in the program and everyone is excited and curious to see how it will turn out. Part of the curriculum is field experience which will be in northern Alberta, Canada on a 3-week rotation starting in October and continuing until April when the permafrost thaws. He was looking at the temperature/weather for that area and the HIGH during that time is 7 degrees. The HIGH! Thankfully, BP issues pretty nice cold-weather gear so the guys won't freeze! Its been fun for J.E.B. to get into an academic experience again. He spends his days in seminars or classes and frequently comes home with homework. Its pretty interesting for me also to learn about oil wells, drilling and BP as an organization.
The girls are doing great. They made the transition from Yuma to Katy just fine. I'm sure it helped that we spent almost 2 months living with my parents in Pennsylvania to help offset the moving about. Both girls are in the same room at night which is working out very well except for those few nights when the baby just won't sleep! We still have the pack-n-play set up in our room for just such occasions! I am looking forward to very soon dismantling that as well.
Victoria's vocabulary is multiplying by the second and she is such a little mime both in words and actions (although could she really be considered a mime if she's talking?!). Her favorite phrase currently is "see ya later" which she says whenever J.E.B. leaves for work, when she lays down for a nap or bed or whenever she just leaves the room you're in! Its quite cute! She has also discovered the amazing healing and comfort ability of BandAids and is constantly asking for one for any scrapes that come with childhood. In fact, she reminded the pediatrician of her promise to get her a BandAid at the end of our appt last week. The doc mentioned it casually at the beginning of the appt and 15 minutes later as she was walking out the door, Bean reminded her that she was owed a BandAid!
Alexandria is growing like a weed. We jokingly call her our "chunker" since she is so much bigger at 8 months than V was at 8 months. In fact, both girls are in the same size diaper! Yup! V weighed 25lbs at the doc appt last week and Lex weighed 19lbs! V is wearing 3T clothes and some 2T still and Lex is wearing 18month clothes and some 2T clothes!! (V is 25 months and Lex is 8 months) Lex is crawling now and that little bugger sure is determined to get everywhere! And I am positive she is also going to be my quick-to-temper child. In just the past 2 weeks since she learned to crawl, you should hear the protests and tantrums that ensue when she's moved away from electrical cords, the diaper pail, the door jams, V's small toys, paper books that she's chewing, the dog's tail/fur/face/feet, ......and just about anything else! Everyone says how each child is different and my oh my is that true! At least both girls are pretty laid back and happy though. I am thankful for that!
Things are starting to fall into a routine for me here in the new city. I joined a Mommy Group in the area to get out of the house with the girls and to meet some other Moms, especially if J.E.B. is going to gone for most of the winter. Our kitchen has a perfect spot for my sewing machine and I've dug out some of my sewing projects and am even teaching myself how to crochet through YouTube! Yup, what an "old lady" I am! :-) I have great projects and goals in if I can just find a few more hours in the day to get them done!

She fell asleep eating lunch!

Typical scene in the kitchen at mealtimes

Anxiously awaitng her Baby Friends to finish the drying cycle!

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