Thursday, September 23, 2010

I grew up in Connecticut. That means I was surrounded by maple and oak trees, lush grass and lots of precipitation, in all forms! I moved away from CT when I was 22 but was still lucky enough to live in areas with similar features (PA, FL, CA, Okinawa). This past year in AZ has made me appreciate all those things in CT that I didn't realize I loved until I didn't have them anymore. The desert has started to grow on me with its beautiful Gila Mountains and saguaro cacti scattered here and there but it will never fill the soft spot in my soul for lush greenery.

When I made my plans to come to Gettysburg to see my parents and to show off Little V, I had two wishes -- to see that greenery which I so desperately missed and to have it rain. We haven't seen rain at my house (other than a few 3-minute sprinkles) in about 5 months. Well, I got both of my wishes. I spent the first part of the week walking around outside or sitting on my parents' deck and just relaxing around the trees. But yesterday we had a magnificent thunderstorm. The kind that would have terrified me as a kid but that I love as an adult.

I was outside with V when I noticed the sky getting a bit darker and the thunder in the distance. When the trees started to move in the wind I knew I was going to be a happy girl in a few minutes! The lightning and thunder started and the rain came down and I was in heaven. I would have been out playing in the puddles if I didn't have to hold V! Once my dad got home, we set some chairs up in the garage and watched the rain fall and listened to the storm. It was wonderful!

As soon as it stopped we saw a gorgeous rainbow just over the hill from the house. Perfect ending! Of course, my dad had to take V out and splash her feet in the puddles. What a great time we had!

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