Saturday, November 13, 2010

Its that time of year again in the Corps. The Birthday Ball. A time when the guys get all spiffy in their stunning, yet uncomfortable Dress Blues and the gals get all glamoured up in evening dresses and uncomfortable shoes. The actual birthday of the US Marine Corps is 10 Nov but I don't think I've been to a Ball on the 10th yet. Too many squadrons and units vying for event locations means that any time within the first two weeks or so of Nov will suffice.

This year's Ball was different for me in a few ways. First, we had V to think about. She hasn't been with a babysitter other than my parents or J.E.B., which doesn't count since immediate family is family, not a babysitter! And since she has a tendency to get obstinate when she wants or doesn't want something I was nervous to get a babysitter for the night. She has, in the past, refused to take a bottle from anyone but myself. Kind of aggravating when the whole point of her taking a bottle is so I can leave her for more than an hour or two!

Luckily the second difference for this Ball made it work out. The Ball this year was held at one of the casinos in the area, so the squadron hired day care at the casino for those who wanted it. Score! We got a room at the casino (that way we didn't have to worry about driving back home and I could sample a few of the liquid wares) and were able to drop V off upstairs at the daycare for the duration of the Ball. Having her only two floors above me instead of a 40 minute drive away did a lot to help my anxiety. She did really well considering it was her first time being left with strangers and in a strange place.

The fact that it was at the casino instead of the Officers' Club on base was great. All of the previous Balls I've been to, except for my very first one when J.E.B. and I were dating, have been at clubs which required you to drive there and back. Maybe the fact that my first Ball was at a hotel skewed my view of them, but to me, requiring the attendants to drive to the Ball is crappy. So this year was great in that we took advantage of the fact that we didn't have to drive home that night. We got a room, sent V up to the daycare and then hung out at the Ball longer than we have in years.

The last difference at this Ball was that it was buffet style. All the previous ones have been served food. I'm still not sure if I liked the buffet better than being served. There is something classic about going to a formal event and having someone serve you a plate of food. However, J.E.B. had a good point in that typically the plates served don't have enough food on them while the buffet lets you get as much as you want. So...maybe I am a fan of the buffet!

J.E.B. even gave me some money to blow on the slot machines. I say "blow on the slot machines" because, really who wins at slots? Who you ask? ME THAT'S WHO!!! Yup! I won $50 on the penny slots!! We started with $20 thinking it'll be gone in a matter of minutes. We got down to about $2 left and then I hit the jackpot and my total soared up to $50. We then decided to cash out and bask in the glory of walking away $30 ahead of the game!

So, overall the Ball was fun. I had a great dress (low, open back!), I was summoned only two times to the daycare for a crying V, J.E.B. forced me onto the dance floor for about 1 song (more than enough for me!) and I won $30! Good times!

We got the photographer to use our camera for this pic too. We bought a professional one, but wanted one with our camera too!

It was a sad day when I was told that the Birthday Ball cake is mostly frosted cardboard with a little bit of cake for the ceremony recipients (guest of honor, oldest marine present, youngest marine present).

This was the second trip to see her. You can see how red her cheeks are from crying. I was there about 10 minutes feeding her and trying to get her relaxed enough to stay with the sitters. On a "funny" note, about 5 minutes after this was taken she puked down the inside of my dress. Yum.

Ryan and Amanda. Good friends of ours.

Gotta love the self-taken pictures!

We are laughing in this one because the picture before this, J.E.B. was belching on me. Yup, all class that husband of mine!

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