Thursday, November 18, 2010

Some new pictures of V. She's sitting up now without any support from us for brief periods of time, but those periods get longer and longer as each day goes by.

And she's talking, babbling up a storm. I don't know if there is any correlation between how much a baby moves or babbles and how soon she crawls or talks, but if there is, then V will definitely be talking first! What a chatterbox! But then that shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone considering who her parents are! :-)

I've added some new videos to dropshot as well, so check 'em out via the "the team's videos" link. I was going to start adding videos to the blog itself, but my computer froze or the Internet died or something happened that caused it to take over 5 hours and not finish downloading one video. So, we're going to stick with dropshots for now. I have to occasionally delete the older ones from the site since there is only a limited amount of space, but no big deal! She's growing right? Need to keep making room for the current stuff!!

Poor Peanut had some kind of allergy going on for a few days. Her eyes were all red and she was really clingy

V and her beloved Froggie

Another try at a family picture

I love V's expression in this one

Sitting up on her own!

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