Wednesday, December 8, 2010

J.E.B., V and I decided to fly to Gettysburg for Thanksgiving this year. I was curious to see how the flight would go with both of us there to occupy V and had hopes of actually taking a nap myself or being able to do a crossword puzzle--two things I love to do while on a plane but was not able to last time due to V's presence.

After the first trip to Gettysburg, I learned a lot of lessons on how to fly correctly (or incorrectly) with an infant. So with all that knowledge put to use, we loaded the car up with V and our luggage and drove to the airport. Let me just say that from the start, traveling with another person and your infant is so incredibly much better than traveling with your infant alone. Not that that comes as a shocker to any of you, but I just wanted to point out how nice it was to have another person with me.

When we got to the check-in kiosk, we actually changed our seats. I found that an aisle seat in the back of the plane is much better than a middle or window seat in the middle or front of the plane. Towards the back means I can get up as much as I want and hang out near the bathrooms which means a quieter and happier V which means happier Wendy and other passengers for the duration of the flight. So, we changed our row 13 window/middle seats to row 20 aisle/middle seats. So far so good.

Things continued to go smoothly as we made our way to the gate. We fed her and changed her trying to cover all the basics to ensure a happy baby for as long as possible. I was even able to grab a bite to eat while J.E.B. hung out with V.

It was as we made our way to the gate for pre-boarding that things became interesting, shall we say. As we made our way past the other people waiting for general boarding, an older man saw J.E.B. walking in front of me and stopped me to ask if he was active duty. A little taken aback, I muttered yeah and gave him a slight smile and kept walking (I had our boarding passes and V while he had the carry-ons). I saw the man look behind me (to his wife) and say "yeah?" Completely confused me and kinda creeped me out a bit, to be honest.

Well once we got to the attendant, that same guy came up to us and thanked J.E.B. for his service and said he was a retired Colonel. He and his wife then proceeded to tell us and the attendant that we were going to take their first class tickets while they took our seats! As a thank you for J.E.B.'s service.

We were dumbfounded to say the least. I mean, that doesn't happen. That's the kind of stuff you read about, not something that happens to you! They wouldn't think of taking no for an answer, so J.E.B., Victoria and I sat in row 3 and enjoyed huge, cushy seats with a nice hot meal while two complete strangers took our row 20 seats in the back of the plane. Incredible! Both of us were awed and couldn't believe it...we're still talking about it a few weeks later.

V did really well on the flight overall. A few fussy moments, one in particular stands out in my head. I waited to eat until J.E.B. was done so we could switch off and once we did, she seemed pretty happy and content to let J.E.B. hold her while I ate. At one point he got up to change her and once the bathroom door was shut I heard this amazing howl! I guess she didn't want her diaper changed or changed by him! I can only imagine how loud she was in that tiny bathroom if I could hear her three rows back! True to form though, she quieted down once he gave her back to me. Man, I can't wait for the day when someone besides myself can calm her down! I say that now, but I'm sure that once that day arrives I'll be pining for the times when only I could appease her!

Its been a long time since I ate something this nice on an American-run airline

Judging by my expression, I'm sure this is right after I just calmed V down from screaming.

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