Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our week up in Flagstaff was great and we're already thinking about other timeshare locations for future vacations.

V learned to crawl while we were there. She had been inching around the house for a few days and during our stay in Flagstaff, she started to crawl a bit. Well fast-forward a week and you will find V zipping all over the house on hands and knees. I can't get over just how fast she has improved her crawling just a matter of days! She's also trying to pull herself up into a standing position. What happened to my cute, sedentary baby?! Believe it or not, I haven't nabbed a video of her crawling around though. Surprising really, what with how many videos I've taken in just this month alone (at least 20, maybe more!!)

She had a doc appt this past week to check her weight. Apparently at her 6-month check up she was smaller than the doc wanted so she had us come back in a month to see how V was doing. I guess she is doing well! Little Miss Piggy gained a pound and a half in just a month getting her up to 15lbs ! I guess breast milk, formula and baby food are working!

She hung out here playing with the clothes basket for about 5 minutes. Man, she was cute!

This is her new smile. She is definitely becoming a ham!

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