Monday, January 31, 2011

Some recent pictures (and videos on Dropshots) of V. While we were in Flagstaff the first week of January, she started to crawl. Well within a week or so of that milestone, she started pulling herself into a standing position on anything that will stay still long enough. Now she is testing her balance skills by letting go of her support and standing on her own. She lasted as long as it takes us to count to 5 but she is getting better and better every day.

We've also introduced the word "no" to her. Now that she's self-propelled, she loves, just LOVES the dog's chew toys. We are repeatedly telling her those Kongs are not hers, but apparently that idea hasn't sunk in yet. You should see the fit she pitches when we take them away from her!

Reminds me of a Kewpie doll

We call this her Devil Smile. She wrinkles her nose and gives a huge open-mouthed smile.

My happy happy girl!

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