Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Now I remember what we did a few weeks ago!  I knew there was a group of photos that I wanted to upload but couldn't remember what or where I put them!

So.  Every spring (usually the first weekend of March), Yuma hosts The Midnight at the Oasis Classic Car Show. We missed it last year but planned for it this time. It was a little chilly out and like good parents we bundled V up, but we both forgot sweatshirts for ourselves. J.E.B. of course is a walking heater so I held his hand close to me to get as much warmth as possible, but even that did little to help my frigidness. (Man, how crazy am I? It was prolly about 60 degrees out. I have been living in the tropical or desert climates for far too long if I think that 60 is frigid!)

The whole area was quite large. They were all parked in a few baseball fields and we walked around for about an hour and a half or so. We went the first night and there were still a number of empty spots I assume since the people would be showing up for the weekend.  It was fun to look at the old cars. I think the oldest we saw was a '35 something, but we didn't get a picture of it. I think it was a truck. Yeah, I know, great story Wendy! But I was focused on getting pictures of old Corvettes for my dad. He loves the old corvettes but I couldn't remember exactly what year(s) he liked. So all of my pictures are of the 'vettes!

Well, some Ford Cobras too. My parents' neighbor has a cobra and its gorgeous. I have no idea what year it is....as I told one of the guys at the show, all I know about it is that its red! Such a typical girl response when talking cars!

A '62 Corvette

A '64

A happily snugged Peanut!

This one didn't have anything on its info sheet, but I liked the paint job

A '65 Ford Cobra

Again, no info on the sheet, but still beautiful!

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