Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some randoms of the past week or so. Not much has been going on other than work and our projects!
She loves to check out the fans

She was so tired here. I glanced over at her and she was resting her head on the blue globe thingy with her eyes almost shut. She roused for the camera, of course, but fell asleep before I even got her into the crib for her nap!

This is a common occurrence at any point in the day when she is close enough to reach me. It is especially common to see this in the evening as I'm getting her supper and our supper ready. Cute? Definitely. Cumbersome? Very!

And this is the kitchen after I disentangle the Peanut from my legs. Sometimes the quilt is replaced by a cute little bear mat that our friend gave us, but the Tupperware cabinet is always open and toys are always scattered around. The pack n' play is a barrier for the dog food (which she loves to play in). Sure it takes some concentration to navigate the toys and Peanut, but at least it minimizes her screeching!

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