Thursday, March 3, 2011

So we have a walker! Yup, Victoria is now walking! She took her first steps a few weeks ago by complete accident and then didn't really show any interest in it. She would cruise around the coffee table but that was about it. Then the beginning of this week she decided that it was time and has been taking more steps and more steps as the days pass. You can see her determination to come to you and its adorable to see her get herself stable and decide to take that initial step. Mom, I guess she is taking after you, walking at 8 months old!

I got a great video of her walking to me two nights ago. She's so happy and proud of herself. We're happy and proud of her too ... but now that means even more vigilance on our part! I have a feeling that it is only going to get worse from now on! She is a determined, head-strong little thing and already has been getting into things that are not for babies. Namely Atlas's food and toys. The little imp will continually crawl over to his bowls squealing and giggling and stop near it, waiting for me to tell her no. Then she'll lean a hand closer to the bowl of food and leave it in the air, again waiting for acknowledgement from me. Then she'll s-l-o-w-l-y put her hand in his food and grab a piece and then wait again to see if I say anything. All the while smiling. What a pip, as my dad would say!

Below are just a few miscellaneous pictures of us.

She was sitting next to him and petting him gently on her own for a change but when I got the camera out, she moved. Then he moved. This was as close as I could get them again.

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