Sunday, October 24, 2010

I love it when I'm right.

It makes me feel all nice and warm and fuzzy and ....powerful! 

Yup, I predicted that V would be rolling over by the end of this weekend to J.E.B. earlier in the week and I was right. She is officially a mobile baby albeit only from side to side. I had been leaving her on a blanket on the floor in the living room in the evenings while I got dinner ready (perfect setup really -- I could still see her but could also leave her alone so I could get myself dinner) and she was really working her twisting moves. She'd get as far as she could without gravity taking over and this lasted for about a week or two. Then she started to roll up onto her side and move in a circle while on her side.

Finally yesterday she reliably, repeatedly and regularly rolled over. I had thought she would roll from her back to stomach first, but in the end she started with stomach to back. Everyone has said that I'll have to start watching her when she's on the changing pad so she doesn't roll off and yup, we're there. In just two days I can't tell you how many times she's tried to roll right off the edge! We're also at the point now where it takes a few minutes to put on a new diaper due to her kicking, rolling and pushing herself up by her feet. My little baby sure is growing up! :)

I uploaded a few videos from the past week or so, so check 'em out. Here are some more random pics.

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