Saturday, October 16, 2010

So V had her 4-month-old doctor appointment on Wednesday and she's doing great. She took her vaccines like a champ (meaning she screamed bloody murder and gave me the worst accusatory look I could imagine) and continues to grow.

She is 12lbs 10oz (right at the 50th percentile if I'm reading the growth charts correctly) and is 25 inches long (in the 95th percentile). No wonder all those 6- and 9-month-old clothes fit her lengthwise, if not yet around the belly!

She is also talking (babbling) up a storm. Her favorite spot to chat is on the changing table. J.E.B. thinks its because she has the undivided attention of whoever is there with her. She's started stretching her vocal cords as far as volume goes to, although she tends to surprise herself when she really gets loud!

She's also good at grabbing her feet now. A few weeks ago she would grab aimlessly in the direction of her feet, but now she's able to get 'em both. I saw her try to put her toes in her mouth today also. Let's hope she doesn't pick up that habit. Sure her feet are clean but still. Sucking on your toes?

Here are just a few random shots from the past month or so.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! She is so big and SO precious! What a jewel you have! Treasure these days - before you know it she'll be in kindergarten then you turn around and she'll be graduating high school! We will be so glad to hold her again next Spring! We love you, Nanny and AppleJack
