Saturday, October 16, 2010

Its been a couple of weeks since the last post and while not a whole lot has happened here, I have been busy.

J.E.B.'s WTI class is in its last two weeks which means its two of the busiest weeks and he hasn't been home much at all. I was told last year to think of the WTI classes as small 8-week deployments with the only difference being the guys get to sleep in their own beds at night. That is actually a great way to look at these classes. He works 6 days a week and is usually flying in the evening which means he gets home around midnight-one a.m.

So, yeah, we haven't seen each other much lately and even though he is technically home, he's not around to help with V, so my free time hasn't been my own. I was telling him last night, in fact, that I can't understand how every night there is always something I didn't get to do, whether it is take a shower, get a mid-day snack or even have some "me time" to play video games (By the way, we got Plants vs. Zombies -- you have to kill the zombies with plants! Hilarious game! I love it!).

And, coupled with my lack of time to do what I want, the desktop is still doing some funky things, so uploading the pictures from my trip to G-burg didn't get done until just now. But enough excuses. My family wants some updates so here ya are! :)

The first ones are just some random pics from my trip. I uploaded about 6 or 7 videos to dropshot, so check out the link to the right.

I had been trying to get a picture of her pout for ages! Lucky Seamus! :)

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