Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yesterday,  J.E.B. and I loaded up Atlas and V and headed out to a place in the desert called Valley of Names. It is a spot where people have used small rocks to write their names or initials. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the dirt road, then another 30 minutes to go the 7 miles to the beginning of the names since the road was so bumpy.

We were there for about two-ish hours just walking around and looking at all the names in the dirt. It was pretty neat. There were an assortment of dates, most in the 2000s, but we did find a few which were from the '90s. The oldest we saw was from '91 but we didn't fully explore the place. After two-ish hours of wandering we were hot, tired and thirsty. The peanut did great though. She was in the carrier with J.E.B. and kept laughing and squealing as we wandered around. The dog? He had a "big 'ole time" as J.E.B. likes to say, running around and sniffing this and snuffling that. We definitely have plans to head back out there sometime with a rake and some rocks and let the world know that Team Bolen was here in 2010!!

You can see how big some of these are compared to J.E.B.'s size!

This one reminded me of A & W root beer...or should I say Angelovich & Watrus (did I spell that right?!) root beer!

This was one of the oldest we saw.

Willie! You came to Yuma and didn't even tell us?!


  1. Reminds me of our drive back from Alaska in '92 - we all wrote our names on the side of the hill in Canada in rocks.
